
的 馆际互借 (ILL) service locates and borrows materials not owned by the 图书馆学习中心 for the educational, 研究, and general needs of the 德克萨斯南方大学 community. This includes books, journal articles, documents, and audio-visual materials. ILL is also responsible for the lending of materials owned by the 图书馆学习中心 to other institutions when the requests fall into the guidelines listed below.

图书馆学习中心的ILL区域符合 美国图书馆协会指南, 阿米戈斯资源共享政策版权法; 美国法典第17章,和 TexShare互借政策. 


书籍-电子邮件标题,作者和电话号码. Items will be available for pick up by appointment on Fridays. 书籍可以邮寄给非本地的个人. 地址必须在发货前确认. Please use Library Mail rate when returning book(s) for less cost to you.

Journal articles – email the Name of the Journal, Article Title, Author(s), Date and Page Number(s). 期刊文章将以电子方式发送.  



Books and journal articles not owned by 图书馆学习中心 are borrowed from other local, 区域, national and international libraries for use by 德克萨斯南方大学's students, 教职员工.


While the ILL staff will try to obtain almost any item that is requested, frequently there are problems borrowing the following types of materials from other libraries:

  • 珍本或易碎书籍
  • 多卷集(或集的任何部分)
  • 参考书
  • 媒体
  • /学位论文
  • 装订或单期期刊
  • 未发表的论文和报告
  • 计算机软件
  • 课程教材


请到图书馆查询。 目录 carefully to make sure that we do not already have the book. Books that are not on the shelf may have been checked out or they may be in a reshelving area. Check with the 循环 staff before requesting these items. 

检查图书馆的印刷期刊标题 目录. 期刊 that are not on the shelf may be in a reshelving area.  Check with the Serials staff at the second floor if you are having trouble locating a title.

Often it is hard to know what database contains a particular journal. Journal titles in electronic format can be located through the library's 所有清单 期刊标题.

Try to obtain complete and accurate information about the book or article you need to borrow. Pagination for articles and publication dates for books are usually necessary. 记录你的信息来源.


Forms for requesting books and journals are available at the 循环 Desk. Current TSU identification cards must be presented when requesting materials.

馆际互借申请表 is available online and may be submitted by email to charlean.sheard@psozxd.com; please submit one form for each item requested. 

Please try to provide us with basic bibliographic information about the book or journal article. 的图书, this means the author and title; it is often helpful for us to know the publisher's name, 发布地点和发布日期. To request a journal article you must know the journal title, 卷号, 页码和日期, 以及文章的作者和标题.


的 library can often borrow books and periodical articles from local libraries within five to ten working days. Items coming from out of state or those more difficult to verify or locate will take longer. You should anticipate a delay of a month or more and plan ahead for this when beginning your 研究.


每个借阅图书馆都有自己的借阅期限. This will mean that even if you pick up several books on the same day each one may have a different due date. A band identifying the borrower's name and date the book is due is placed on the book.

Renewals are also controlled by the lending library. Request a renewal at least four days before the due date. Please do not request renewals by phone, bring book(s) to the ILL office to make the renewal request.


ILL staff will contact you when the requested materials are ready to be picked up. You must pick up the materials at the 循环 Desk on the first floor. Books which are borrowed must be returned by the due date.


Generally,re is no charge to our patrons for materials borrowed through interlibrary loan. However, when a cost is levied by the lending library it will be passed on to the borrower.


Individuals from other libraries wishing to borrow materials held by the 图书馆学习中心 must make all requests through their home library.


电话:(713)313 - 1082 

OCLC, ALA,电子邮件,传真请求


 Monographs Loan Period: 30 days; Renewals: 2 weeks

 的 following types of materials are not available for loan:

  • 媒体
  • 心门珍藏(特别珍藏)
  • 参考/政府文件
  • 论文/论文
  • 期刊