
We are all safer from attacks at home and at TSU if your computer has anti-virus protection. Anti-virus is a security program you install on your computer or mobile device to protect it from getting infected by 恶意软件, malicious software such as viruses, 蠕虫, 木马和间谍软件. If your computer becomes infected by 恶意软件 there is a good possibility that a cyber attacker could capture information and exfiltrate data to some remote location.


Keep your computer safe from viruses and spyware by following these guidelines.

  1. Keep your operating system updated. This applies to both Windows-based computers and Mac OS based computers. OIT managed workstations will automatically receive updates.
  2. Have an up-to-date antivirus program. OIT managed workstations will automatically receive antivirus updates.
  3. 小心你点击的地方. Never open e-mail attachments you weren't expecting. Don't click on pop-up ads or install things you don't really need. (For information about phishing, click 网络钓鱼.)
  4. 避免未经批准的文件共享. The recommended tools for saving files, sharing, and collaboration are OneDrive and Office 365.
  5. Be careful who you let use your computer. 室友, 朋友, and relatives may click or install things that put your computer and privacy at risk.
  6. Don't share your user names or passwords 与任何人. 过.

TSU requires the use of current Antivirus software prior to connecting to the TSU network. TSU managed workstations and laptops include System Center Endpoint Protection which automatically receives updates.

If you want to use your own device on the TSU network:

You should have an anti-virus program running on the device. Once your AV program is installed and running you should be able to use the TSU-Student WIFI.

If you are an Employee using an OIT managed computer:

Your TSU-provided computer has already been preloaded with Microsoft Endpoint Protection and Cisco AMP. After you provide your TSU credentials during the login process, you should be able to use the TSU network.

Note: Antivirus programs have a built-in update application to automatically download and install updates.

行为准则 & 可接受的使用

You must read, understand, and follow TSU’s Computer Use Policy ( 宾州04.06.03)


If you suspect that your OIT managed computer has been compromised with a virus, 恶意软件, 或者第三方, contact the IT Service Center immediately at itservicecenter@psozxd.com, http://tsu.服务现在.com/sp or 713-313-4357.